Our solutions

Powered Land

The wholesale land market with electricity access is constantly evolving, reflecting the dynamic nature of the market. With our extensive presence across southern Norway, we are the perfect partner to help you discover the optimal site for your data center. Reach out to us for more information on these exciting opportunities, and let's explore the possibilities together.


Our co-location data centers offer a solution for clients who want to use their own servers or install new equipment in a modern facility. Your servers will be housed in our rack system, complete with cooling. This qualifies all our co-location clients for our waste heat recovery solution, effectively reducing CO2 emissions while shrinking your carbon footprint noticeably.

White Space

Discover our White Space service, providing you with a dedicated area within our data centers. Designed to ensure high uptime to Tier 3 standards and boasting a low PUE, your space is tailored and equipped for reliability. Enjoy seamless connectivity through multiple carriers and the option for additional replica or backup sites with latency under 1 millisecond.

Build to Suit

Explore our build-to-suit data centers, crafted to align precisely with your preferences and requirements. Whether it's square footage, power access, Tier level, security, or efficient PUE, we tailor the design and construction to your specifications. Ideal for those seeking a larger, dedicated data center with a customized setup or specific solutions to meet unique needs.

Networks and Connectivity

ASP Data Center is carrier-neutral, providing access to some of Norway's largest ISP providers, as well as international options. It caters to a wide range of fiber capacity needs, from low to ultra-high black fiber connections.

Latency is measured using the Round Trip Delay (RTD) metric, which represents the number of milliseconds it takes for data to travel from its point of origin to its destination and back.

The map below displays typical latency values between Stavanger and major European markets.

With the introduction of new subsea routes in the near future, some of these latency figures may improve. Recent investments in subsea fiber infrastructure have significantly enhanced Norway's connectivity.

The second map below provides an overview of existing subsea networks, systems currently under construction, and planned systems.

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of European businesses under 20 ms round trip.


of European businesses under 50 ms round trip.
ASP Data Center 2024


of European businesses under 20 ms round trip.


of European businesses under 50 ms round trip.
ASP Data Center 2024
01. Skagenfiber West

02. Skagerak 4

03. Havsil

04. Havfrue / AEC-2

05. Englandskabelen / NO-UK

06. Tampnet Offshore FOC Network

07. Leif Erikson (2023)
ASP Data Center 2024

Why ASP Data Center

Situated in the southwest of Norway, ASP Data Center operates as one of the largest in the region. Our strategic location grants us exceptional PUE and access to clean, renewable electricity – a unique advantage that distinguishes us from others.


The cost of operation is lower compared to most of Europe, where a significant portion of customer OPEX comes from electricity costs. It is 40–50% cheaper than the European average. This is primarily due to the cold Nordic climate, inexpensive electricity, and modern facilities with liquid cooling capabilities. Our Data Center facilities exclusively use 100% clean hydropower, offering both spot price and fixed price options.

Heat reuse

We transform waste heat into useful energy by repurposing it to heat homes in an extensive remote heating grid. Our technology captures the outlet temperature and channels it directly into the grid, where customers' waste heat becomes valuable by reducing CO2 emissions. All CO2 savings are, of course, credited to our customers, significantly improving their carbon footprint compared to most data centers.


Our facility is designed according to EN 50600 standards for Data Center security, featuring five physical barriers before entering a data hall.


ASP Data Center is carrier-neutral, offering access to some of Norway's largest ISP providers as well as international options, catering to a wide range of fiber capacity needs from low to ultra-high black fiber connections.


ASP Data Center delivers 100 % uptime on a Tier 3 setup and follows a strict maintenance schedule. We offer a N+1 setup for power supply and duplicate cooling services to ensure high performance. Our Service Level Agreement maintains an exceptional 100% uptime record.

Time to market

We offer swift time-to-market on our data center offerings, along with build-to-suit and powered land options. Our ability to meet rapid demand extends to upgrading existing facilities and developing new sites.